Stop Dreaming Start Traveling Hits Best Seller List
AGAINST THE ODDS - Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling Hits Best Seller List.
It is commonly said that less than 1% of books have a chance of being stocked in an average bookstore. And for every book on a shelf, hundreds to housands of competing titles are competing for that space.
First... A few things about Amazon’s Best Seller ranking system:
Every hour, Amazon tallies total book sales by category and refreshes its best seller list based on total sales that hour. For a book is to remain at #1 for any meaningful period, it has to outsell comparative books every single hour (unlikely for even for the best of books). This opens the door to manipulation where authors can (and do) stockpile purchases in batches to spike book sales and temporarily land a Best Seller rating.
Now, 'Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling' was already getting lots of publicity before literary heavyweight Jack Canfield shared this with his more than 1 million social media followers:
Shortly after Jack’s shout out, 'Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling' shot up to #4 in Budget Travel. Knowing that Amazon rankings are refreshed hourly, I returned home Sunday evening to find the paperback version of 'Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling' ranked #1 in budget travel, while the e-book version was ranked #6 on the same list, at the same time!
This is the first time I've ever seen two versions of the same book in the top 10 at the same time. Both versions were ahead of Nomadic Matt's 'How to Travel the World on $10 a Day' which briefly made the New York Times Best Seller list, and Lonely Planet's travel guides for South America & Southeast Asia ranked numbers 2 and 3 respectively.
Although there are flaws in Amazon's bestseller rankings, knowing how crowded the travel space is, and how much travel content is available free online, this is an early indicator our ultra-economical travel message is gaining traction.
Next month, Stop Dreaming.. Start Traveling will be traveling to LS Travel airport bookstore shelves where competition is fierce, and space is extremely scarce, and where despite this, you can get your copy of 'Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling'.
Click Here to see what savvy travelers have to say about 'Stop Dreaming.. Start Traveling'. Five independent book critics with Readers Favorite also offered their book reviews, and you can read their reviews here):
Tracy Slowiak:
"Wow! An absolute treasure trove of information for those who love to travel. Amazing tips and advice on how to get the most out of your travel dollar with insight into the travel industry, ideas for how to live like a local instead of a tourist, and the very best ways to travel in such a way that you'll be able to travel several times a year for the same price or less than you might have once spent on just one annual vacation. This book is a must-have for any travel bug out there.
I loved, loved, loved this book! I've always loved travel, and typically start planning my next trip almost immediately after returning home from a vacation. The main issue I've always had has been affording all the travel I want. My dream travel list is so long, I had pretty much resigned myself to the idea that there was no way I'd ever get to all the places I want to in a single lifetime. Russell Hannon's book has given me so many ideas on how I will be able visit each place, and more and for less than I ever imagined.
Russell's focus on applying LEAN principles to travel is simply ingenious and extremely effective. I highly recommend Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less. It is a truly invaluable guide for any reader who loves to travel or any reader who wants to travel more than they already do. I certainly hope that author Russell is already working on his next travel-related guide. I, for one, will be in line to get it once it is released!"
– 5 Stars
Jack Magnus:
"Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less is a non-fiction travel/tourism book written by Russell Hannon, a self-styled Ultra-Economical Travel Expert who loves to travel and has developed techniques for making those trips to exotic and faraway places work within the tightest budgets. He sets out his information in a methodical step-by-step manner, beginning with compelling arguments for letting the “travel bug” into your system, accessing the travel benefits you already have or can get that will enable you to travel without destroying your budget, building a foolproof travel plan which allows for incidentals and unexpected glitches, and tips on getting the funds for your next adventure and afterwards. He concludes with tips for saving while on your trip, finding fun and inexpensive activities on holiday, and making sure you’re protected in case of an emergency. Hannon includes appendices which give the reader essential links, a Dream Travel Planning Form and references for further reading.
This is a non-fiction travel/tourism book, a well-written mine of information geared to get even the most skeptical stay-at-home reader to seriously consider taking that first step towards their own travel adventures. His ideas make good sense, and the links he provides for apps, accommodation options, and the best prices on airfare are invaluable -- and not just for when you are planning a trip. I was most impressed by his advice on how to arrange world trips, or at least, trips with multiple stops using a single destination ticket, and his ideas for funding your travel adventures as a travel writer. The book is chock-full of great ideas on living well and frugally while seeing the world at the same time. His website continues the conversation and is an invaluable resource as well. Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less is highly recommended."
– 5 Stars
Chris Fischer:
"In a completely great new guide in the travel genre, Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less is an essential training manual for those who travel a lot or just want to. Author Russell Hannon has done a fantastic job at applying lean management principles to travel planning and travel in general. Using this unique mindset, he challenges travelers to think about travel in a different way. Instead of focusing on a once a year travel blowout, by thinking effectively and efficiently, the reader just might be able to travel several, even many times throughout the year for a fraction of the cost they would have thought. Travel as a lifestyle instead of as a vacation seems to be the theme of his work, and it's something that many travelers are already thinking.
I found Stop Dreaming Start Traveling to be simply fascinating. I love travel, but as a man with a middle class income and a young family, I thought that anything other than a standard once a year vacation was pretty much out of the question. By applying the principles that Russell Hannon sets forth in his brilliant work, however, I truly believe that there will definitely be more travel in store for me and my family. This book is an absolute must-have for any reader who loves travel, wants to travel more, and wants to save money. Take my advice and buy Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less by Russell Hannon as soon as you possibly can. You won't regret it!"
– 5 Stars
Roy T. James:
"Stop Dreaming…Start Traveling by Russell Hannon begins by extolling the benefits of travel and the freedom it offers to everyone. The book explains the process through a seven-step ladder of People, Means, Knowledge, Creativity, Flexibility, Adaptability and Pure Luck. And by adapting to lean principles, one can visit expensive destinations at a fraction of their current cost. Warnings as well as tips for each such explanation make this advice comprehensive for planning one's journey. A plethora of resources like addresses for home swapping, car rentals, inexpensive accommodation, hotels and flights, agencies for travel funding etc are also included as appendices. How to choose an appropriate destination for your interests while keeping your resources in mind is covered by this book.
Travel takes one closer to one's destination, and Stop Dreaming…Start Traveling by Russell Hannon takes one closer to travel. Russell begins by explaining how easy it is to save money, and how that can eventually add to one's enjoyment, making the reader look out in earnest for the lean travel techniques offered here. And he answers almost all questions one can ask while thinking of saving one's expenses, or related subjects. The book also speaks about how to make money while traveling. This is a well thought out work, and almost all the questions I could think of while pondering on a trip were easily answered in these pages. I wish it had an index to help me travel through the book."
– 4 Stars
Mamta Madhavan:
"Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less by Russell Hannon is an engaging travel book that covers all aspects of travel and how to save money while traveling. The book covers everything from planning to budgeting to cost saving advice and safety, making it an excellent tool for all those who are planning to travel. The book tells everyone to seize the opportunity to travel and make their lives extraordinary ad meaningful. For all those travel lovers for whom cost is a barrier in making travel happen, this definitely is a must-read as it will help them travel anywhere for a lot less than they think.
The book has many tips, ideas, techniques, and websites helpful to people planning to travel. The quiz on what type of a traveler you are is interesting and I enjoyed that bit a lot. The author covers the topic expansively and extensively, anticipating every query that will come to mind while planning to travel. 'A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.' This quote by Lao Tzu is apt for this book. The dream travel plan by the author will amaze readers and change the travel destiny of all readers. The dream travel plan also tells readers that they need not omit expensive destinations from their list. The tips, advice and techniques are simple and useful for planning a trip."
– 5 Stars
Now it's your turn to see what traveler's are raving about. To start your journey toward traveling more and spending less, visit and claim your copy. Remember to drop me a line along the way to share what you learned, and how much it saves you.
Your Fellow Travel Bug,
Russell Hannon