You Can Afford a Travel Lifestyle  

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
– Lao Tzu

My first free trip fell into my lap…as did the second and the third. I didn’t realize how good I had it, at least until I lost it. When those unintentional free trips stopped flowing my way, I fell into the trap of believing that travel was inherently expensive and I found myself putting off those dream trips until "next year."
     That's when I started studying the factors that allow people to travel free and inexpensively. I spent two years following the best travel experts and found common factors that play a hand in all travel deals. I modeled them and found ways to consistently replicate those conditions to make my own ultra-economical travel opportunities.
     The end result was the Dream Travel Plan, a fresh, practical and comprehensive system you can use to build your custom tailored travel plan and:

  • Do a lot of free and inexpensive travel (without skimping on lifestyle)
  • Get the best price for anything you pay for
  • Fund your travels and offset your costs

     I can hardly wait to share the dozens of strategies that make up the Dream Travel Plan.  As a sneak peek, you can use the Travel Planning Form to shave half the cost off your next trip or more by simply changing how you plan and prioritize your destinations.

Turbo charge your travel IQ 

If you want to learn how to leverage the best budget travel resources in untold ways, sign up to my newsletter for publication updates for my upcoming book 'Stop Dreaming... Start Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling more and Spending Less.' I’m so convinced it will redefine your travel destiny that I am offering a risk-free money back guarantee. That's right, if you do not learn enough to save real money on every trip you ever take for the rest of your life, you’ll get your money back with no questions asked.  
     You don't need to wait for my book to save big money traveling.  Sign up to my newsletter and save thousands with:

  • My Free Guide: 'Beat the Best Online Fare - Every Time, Every Flight'
  • Great money saving strategies and the latest ultra-economical travel opportunities